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Lady Alexandra's Lover Page 3
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Page 3
Within minutes, I burst into climax, nearly flying to the heavens and back. Still he licked me as I flew again and again, until I begged him to stop.
“Please, sir, I cannot go on. I must have your cock inside my aching pussy!”
“Your wish is my command, my lady.” Though still fully dressed, he unfastened his trousers and let them fall to his ankles. With one swift thrust, he plunged his cock inside me.
The sweet fullness, Amelia. He was quite big, larger than Broderick or Miles, and though my virginity has long been gone, I confess I felt like I was being taken for the first time. So hard were his thrusts, so large his member, that I screamed in joyful agony.
Thank goodness, Amelia, that Auntie is as deaf as a stone and the servants would never dare barge in. I expect I was making quite a ruckus. He fucked me with hard, long strokes, and soon I came again, and then again.
When I could take it no longer, I begged him to release. He withdrew his cock and furiously pumped it in his fist. Soon his seed spurted like a milky fountain onto my belly.
“Oh, sir,” I said, “that was the most lovely fucking I’ve had in some time. I do so look forward to our next art lesson.”
Dearest Amelia, I must take my leave now, as I have errands to attend to. And then on the morrow, another art lesson with Monsieur Bertrand.
Until then, I am affectionately yours,
Chapter 3
Alexandra couldn’t stifle a soft chuckle, though it ached in her belly. The accident had clearly taken its toll on her body. Stiff and conventional Evan would never dare unfasten her garments, but what choice did he have? They needed to get out of their sopping clothes or risk catching cold. Plus she was uncomfortable as the dickens with her many layers clinging to her skin in a soggy mess.
“Come now,” she said, “surely you’ve undressed a woman before.”
Evan breathed in deeply and seemed to hold it for a few moments before he spoke. “Whether I’ve undressed a woman is certainly no concern of yours.”
“It would certainly be helpful if you had, because then you won’t have any problem now. And Evan, I must be free of these clothes. I’m dreadfully uncomfortable.”
He nodded. “Of course. Turn around.”
She complied, and he gingerly unfastened her outfit.
“You’ll need to loosen my corset strings.”
He breathed in again. “Of course.”
Once she was sufficiently able to disrobe, she turned to face him. “You’ll need to look the other way until I tell you otherwise.”
Though the thought of Evan seeing her nude gave her little shivers, she knew it wouldn’t happen. He was a gentleman through and through. No need to peek over her shoulder to make sure he wasn’t looking. Besides, if she didn’t peek, she could delude herself that perhaps he was stealing a look.
She hastily discarded her wet clothes and wrapped herself in a makeshift toga. “You can turn around now.” She draped her wet clothes over two of the chairs.
Evan didn’t quite meet her gaze as he picked up another set of linens. He cleared his throat. “I guess I need to tell you to turn around now.”
The task proved more difficult than Ally imagined. Evan stood, his blond hair dripping wet and plastered against the beautiful contours of his cheeks. His wet clothes were pasted to the muscular lines of his magnificent body. To watch him peel them from his tan maleness…
Goodness, Ally! “Of course,” she said, and turned toward the bed.
The bed.
Dear Lord, only one bed graced this sparse room. Well, they’d deal with that later. For now, the issue was food. She was suddenly famished. The basket of sandwiches had been left in the coach. Her mind fuzzy, she hadn’t thought of it when they’d started walking. Evidently, Evan hadn’t either.
Certainly someone would come along soon and find them. In the meantime, at least they had plenty of water. The downpour continued, the pounding on the roof drumming in her head. If only she had a headache powder. She ached all over from the accident, and bruises were emerging on her arms and legs. Thankfully, they’d been spared serious injuries. The poor coachman could not say the same.
Ally pulled what hairpins remained from her wet hair and finger combed the long tresses as best she could. What a mess.
“You may turn around now,” Evan said.
Ally did…and gasped. The man resembled a Greek statue come to life. So large was his frame that he’d wrapped the linen only around his waist. His golden chest was bared to her view. Light brown hairs grew around his copper-coin nipples. His tresses, still matted with moisture, adhered to his neck and shoulders. The white linen covered what she knew must be a fine looking derriere and thighs. And in between those thighs…
She mustn’t think of it! He was her stepbrother, and she had no use for him at all, other than a fine bauble to look at. And he was fine indeed…
She cleared her throat softly. “Evan, do you think there might be something around here to eat?”
“I don’t know, though I’m rather hungry myself.”
Ally walked to the small cupboards surrounding the wood stove and peeked in. Nothing. “Drat. Anything sounds good to me. Even blood pudding.”
Evan let out a little laugh. “Not your favorite, I take it?”
“I can’t abide it. Perhaps it’s the dark color. Or that it’s made from pig’s blood. I don’t know. All I know is it’s all we had some days during my childhood, and I’ve truly learned to abhor it.”
“I don’t mind it myself. A bit tangy, I think.”
She shook her head. “Try eating nothing but that black sausage plus oatmeal porridge for days on end. Trust me, you’d learn to despise it. I choked it down. It was either that or go hungry.”
Evan walked closer to her. “It was that bad for you?”
“You don’t know the half of it.”
“I only know what my father has told me.” He helped her to a chair and sat down opposite her at the table. “I’d like to know more, if you’re willing to share.”
“Why would you want to know? I’m not interested in your pity.” And she wasn’t. She had her pride, which was why she’d never go without again, even if it meant marrying a man she might not be in love with.
“For God’s sake, Alexandra, I’m not offering you pity. I’d like to get to know my new stepmother better is all.”
“Then speak to her about it,” Ally said dryly. “It’s nothing I wish to relive.” She rose, and then sat back down. “Why the sudden interest in my mother? You certainly weren’t in favor of the wedding.”
“I just thought they were rushing.”
“Is that truly the only reason you were against it?”
He shook his head and sighed. “I was very close to my own mother, so it’s difficult to see someone take her place.”
“Yes, I understand. Well, I can try to understand. I wasn’t close to my own father at all. In fact, I’m glad the bastard is dead.”
Evan widened his eyes.
“Don’t look so shocked. He was a tyrant.”
“I thought you didn’t want to discuss your past.”
“I don’t. What we’re discussing is why you were so against the marriage, and why you want to know about my mother now.”
“I’m interested. She’s my father’s wife.”
“Yes, she is. And I do believe the problem you first had when they announced their impending nuptials had to do with your estate, come to think of it. You think my mother is after your father’s money.”
“I never said that.”
“You don’t have to say it. It was written all over your face then, and it still is now. That’s why you’re interested in our past. You want to know just how destitute we really were and are. You want to know how much of your father’s money my mother wants.”
“Ally, damn it! I detest Alexandra.” She was named for her father. So was Sophie. Angus Alexander Sophocles MacIntyre. Her
dreaded name and her sister’s would always remind her of him. They’d both paid the price for not being boys.
Evan swallowed and let out a breath. “Alexandra, I don’t think your mother is after my father’s money. It’s clear how much she loves him, and he her.”
Ally sighed. The truth was her mother had no interest in the earl’s money, though surely it was a wonderful fringe benefit. Her mother was in love, and had been for twenty years. She was now married to the love of her life. No, Iris hadn’t married for money, either time. She was forced into marriage with the girls’ father when she was twenty-five years old, and she married David because she loved him.
It was Ally who was marrying for money. Perhaps this conversation was hitting a bit too close to home. She bit back her words. No need to be so defensive.
“You don’t have to worry,” she said. “Your father has assured us that there is plenty to go around and that neither your future nor your siblings’ will be affected by this marriage.”
“Yes, I’ve come to realize that.”
“You’re not entitled to anything anyway, as a second son.”
Evan pursed his full lips.
Oh, no. She’d hit a nerve.
“By law, that is correct.”
“What will you do, then, when your father passes on and your brother inherits the earldom?”
“For God’s sake, I’m an able-bodied man, not a nitwit. I’ll be fine. That I promise you.” He stood. “I’m bone tired. The sun has set. I’m going to lie down.”
As soon as Evan said the words, fatigue hit Ally like a freight train and she let out a yawn. “Yes, I am also exhausted.”
“You take the bed. I’ll spread some linens on the floor.”
A gentleman to a fault. But the bed was large enough for both of them, and no reason existed for him to be uncomfortable. They were both bruised and battered and deserved a good night’s rest, even if it was to be on an old lumpy mattress.
“There is no need for that. We can both lie on the bed.”
“It would not be proper.”
“Under these circumstances, it is certainly proper. You’re tired and hurt. The hard floor will not be good for your injuries.”
Ally strode to the bed and lay down, moving to the far side to make room for Evan. She turned to face the wall and closed her eyes.
After a few moments, the bed shifted with Evan’s weight.
Now, how would she sleep a wink with a handsome man next to her?
* * *
Sleeping turned out not to be an issue after all. Ally woke to a cold drop of water on her forehead. “Oh!” She sat up and looked toward the ceiling. A leak! And right over the bed, no less.
She looked down and gasped. Her breasts were exposed! The toga had loosened off her shoulder during the night. She turned. Evan was gone. She hastily reattached her toga and stretched, moving away from the leak in the roof. She’d have to move the bed forward a bit to escape the leak. But could she do it herself?
She braced herself to push the bed slightly when Evan entered, a mass of unruly wetness in his riding outfit.
Ally’s cheeks warmed. Surely he must have seen her breasts when he got up this morning. The thought intrigued her, and her nipples tightened against the linen.
Well, nothing to be done now.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Moving the bed a bit. There’s a leak that was dripping on me.”
He looked up. “I see. Not a huge problem. I’ll move it and then find a basin to catch the water. I’m honestly surprised there’s only one leak in this old shack. By the way, there’s a privy about fifty yards behind the house.”
She did need to see to her necessities. But she could hardly walk outside in the downpour in her toga. She’d have to dress.
“Were your clothes dry this morning?” she asked.
“Still moist, but I had to go out and see about food.”
Her stomach jumped. “And?”
“Nothing. There are rabbits and fowl around, but they’re all in hiding with the storm, and I’ve nothing to kill them with anyway.”
Her heart sank as her tummy rumbled. Blood pudding was sounding even better this morning.
“I did gather some fresh water for you.” He went to the door and lugged in the slipper tub. “There’s a dipper on the table.”
Fresh water did sound good. She was parched. After she’d quenched her thirst, she looked at her clothing. Still quite wet.
“Is there anyone around here?”
“Not that I could see. We’re quite isolated, and the fog hasn’t yet lifted. I thought to try to find our valises, but in the fog I honestly don’t know which way to go, and they could have been thrown anywhere. They’re likely ruined by now anyway.”
“Well, I hardly see the point in putting these wet garments back on to go to the privy and get them wetter. I’ll simply wear my drawers and chemise. They’ll dry quickly.”
“For goodness’ sake, you just said no one is around. Look the other way if it blemishes your eyes.”
She hurriedly donned her drawers and chemise and headed out to the privy. She took care of necessities and returned drenched, her thin garments clinging to her and leaving nothing to the imagination.
Evan had changed back into his toga and was building a fire in the stove. “Not much wood in here, and I’d be hard-pressed to find anything dry to make a fire with out of doors until this rain lets up.” He turned, and his cheeks turned crimson. “Er…Alexandra…”
“Look away, why don’t you? Did you expect me to stay dry? It’s a veritable swamp out there.”
He turned and grunted.
“And for the last time, please call me Ally.” She discarded her sopping underclothes, shook off as best she could, dried with another linen, and replaced her toga. “You may turn around now.”
Evan sat down at the table. “Please, sit.”
Ally joined him.
“We need to decide what to do,” Evan said. “Once this rain lets up, I’ll go for help. It can’t last much longer.”
“You will not leave me here alone! I’ll go with you.”
“That’s silly. You’re perfectly safe here, and you will just slow me down. With the fog, I can’t even tell where the main road is, and I have no idea how far the carriage was off the road. It may be a day or two before I find help.”
“And you’ll leave me here to starve to death? No thank you.”
Evan furrowed his brow. “This does create a dilemma. I don’t want to leave you here, Alexandra, believe me. Your safety is my first priority. But my best chance of keeping you safe is to go for help alone. I can travel faster that way and get back here to you sooner. I can’t risk your safety by taking you out with me.”
“And why is this solely your decision?”
“Because I am charged with your protection, damn it!” He pounded his fist on the table.
His brown eyes lit on fire. Something hit Ally like a brick in the gut. This was real. Here was the real Evan that he kept hidden underneath his stiff convention. His splendid looks were suddenly all the more captivating. This was a man who wouldn’t back down in a fight, who would kiss a woman senseless, who would…
She shivered and warmed—an odd sensation to feel such opposite temperatures at once. Her nipples hardened against the linen.
Ally wanted to see more.
“I most certainly will go with you,” she said. “I’m perfectly used to going without, and I’m not some pampered proper lady. I’ll not slow you down. I promise you that.”
He sighed and raked his fingers through his soaking hair. “Very well, then. At least you’ll be with me and I’ll be able to keep you safe. I didn’t relish the thought of leaving you here.”
“What in the world ever gave you the idea you could control me, Evan?” She smiled sweetly.
He shook his head. “God only knows.”
Ally couldn’t help giving him a sly smil
e. “What do we do now? We’ve nothing to read, no cards… I don’t even have my blasted knitting.”
Evan let out a chuckle. “You don’t seem the knitting type.”
“I’m not. I abhor it. But with Lily and Rose both in the family way, I’m knitting baby booties. It’s what’s expected.”
“Frankly, you don’t seem the type to ever do what’s expected.”
She smiled again. “I’ll take that as a compliment.” Then, “I know what we can do. Let’s play truth.”
Evan raised his eyebrows. “Truth? What is that?”
“A game Sophie and I used to play with Lily and Rose when we were younger. You can ask anyone anything, and they have to tell the truth. If they refuse, they have to do something you tell them to do.”
“What fun is that?”
“It’s loads of fun, actually. And we’ve nothing but time on our hands. I need something to take my mind off food.”
“Very well, then.” He adjusted his toga. “Ask away.”
“Hmm. All right.” What to ask? Or rather, what did she have the nerve to ask? What she wanted to ask would be frowned upon in mixed company. “Tell me about your mother.”
“That’s not a question, Alexandra.”
“Ally, please. And touché. What was your mother like?”
“For God’s sake, where are the parameters? My mother was a complex individual. I could write an entire book about her.”
“Give me the abridged version.”
“Why are you so interested in my mother?”
“Sorry, it’s not your turn. You must answer my question first, and then I shall answer yours.”
“Of all the blasted— Fine. My mother was a lovely woman. Her name was Maureen. She thought herself plain of face, but I thought she was lovely. Her hair was light brown, about the same color as yours, actually, and she had warm brown eyes. I favor my father, as you know, but people say I have her eyes.”
“Did she love your father?”
“Yes, I believe she did.”
“But he was never in love with her, was he?”
Evan shook his head, his brown eyes cast downward. “No, he was not. It was an arranged marriage. My mother deserved better.”